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I am Nick Karpenko

I am a Principal Software Engineer located in Toronto, Canada. I currently work as a Principal Software Engineer for Playlog, located in the Downtown Toronto engineering office. My hobbies and interests primarily are coding, gaming, reading, learning, and sports. I am truly passionate about the development industry and continue to learn new technologies and evolve my skill set along with my approach to create best-in-class enterprise solutions.

Phone +1-647-926-1837

Email nick.karpenko@gmail.com

LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/nickkarpenko

Github github.com/nkarpenko

Address 21 Iceboat Terrace, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Backend Developmentt

Go lang, GraphQL, PHP (Vanilla, Symfony, Laravel), Perl, Python, C++, Redis, Memcache, Mongo, MySQL, Elastic, LEMP, LAMP, Node, Digital Ocean, AWS: CFN, EC2, S3, SQS, ASG, DynamoDB, RDS.

Frontend Development

Drupal 8.x +, PHP, Twig, React + Redux, Vue + vuex, Vanilla, ES6, jQuery, TweenMax, Pug, HTML5, CSS3, Shopify, Liquid, SCSS/SASS, Gulp, Webpack, Frontend Security.

Server Adminstration & Automation

Docker, Kubernetes, Ubuntu 12.04 - 18.04, Fedora EE 11+, Debian/CentOS, UFW/IP tables, Windows Server 2003 - 2016, Docker, Vagrant, SMTP, DNS, High Availability, Security, Networking, AWS tools mentioned above.

SEO & Consulting

PBN Automation, Consulting, Dynamic SEO Solutions, Google Structured Data, Webmaster Tools, Open Graph, Twitter, Analytics, Event Tracking, Screaming Frog, Moz, CrazyEgg.

Principal Software Engineer


April 2021 — Nov 2023 (2 yrs. 8 months)

Working as a Principal Software Engineer while leveraging languages and tools such as Go lang, PHP, FFmpeg, MariaDB, PostgresQL, Rabbit, Docker, Kubernetes, Nginx and AWS + Digital Ocean to build a highly avilable and performant image+video rendering/sharing engine to to push, search, syndicate, and enhance shared content in order to deliver engaging and targeted experiences to end users.

Senior Software Engineer


Jan 2020 — Nov 2020 (11 months)

Working as a Software Engineer while leveraging languages and tools such as Go lang, Python, MySQL, Elasticsearch and AWS to build a highly avilable and performant engine to to push, search, syndicate, and enhance shared content in order to deliver engaging and targeted experiences to end users.

Software Engineer


Sept 2018 — Jan 2020 (1 yr. 5 months)

Working as a Software Engineer while leveraging languages and tools such as Go, GraphQL, PHP, JS, RDS Postgresql, Kubernetes + Docker, and RabbitMQ to build and design a highly available and performant real estate platform as a service which houses more than 50k+ agents.

Full Stack Developer

Evoke Solutions

May 2017 — Sept 2018 (1 yr. 5 mos)

Working as a full stack developer and overseeing internal product development alongside the creation and maintenance of application infrastructure and security. My technical expertise is paramount in ensuring that Evoke Solutions' brand establishes itself as a trusted technical partner, advisor, and one of Toronto’s digital marketing agency leaders.

Full Stack Developer

Coinbio.com - Personal Project

May 2017 — Present (2 yr. 3 mos)

A Cryptocurrency price tracking, wiki, data analysis, and exchanging tool I set out to build in May 2017. The tool launched in January 2018 with 500 preregistred users and reaching 4000 monthly users within 6 months. To date, Coinbio houses over 400M records using MongoDB, lists over 2700 different cryptocurrencies, and has exchanged over ~$10,000 dollars in digital assets utilizing Changelly's API.

SiriusXM Canada Inc

Systems Administrator - Internship

May 2016 — Dec 2016 (8 mos)

- Successfully managed and supported 200 users on a daily basis

- Successfully managed 30+ servers in a clustered environment

- Helped maintain and enforce the internal security for the SiriusXM's local domain

- Helped automate Fedora and Ubuntu server deployment, along with a dashboard

- Successfully migrated and restructured a failing production environment

Full Stack Developer


Mar 2016 — Apr 2017 (1 yr, 1 mo)

- Successfully reconstructed 7 production environment sites increasing conversions by 3-15%

- Engineered a social community platform with LEMP stack horizontally scalable to house millions of users

- Reconstructed 2 stores on shopify, which increased conversion rates by 2-5% and site duration by 50-100%

- Reconstructed SEO and design on 4 sites using wordpress, which increased unique visitors by 10-30%

Back End Developer


Jan 2016 — May 2016 (4 mos)

- Developed back-end functions for SEO automation software in a multi-site environment

- Developed back-end functions for the PBN automation software and API in a multi-host environment

- Overall application maintenance and optimization lead to an increase client base by 200 users

- Administered a clustered server environment for application processes

- Helped contribute and maintain the RankWyz WordPress plugin

Computer Programmer

Seneca College

Jan, 2014 — May, 2017

Computer Programmer Diploma.

Mathematics for Education and Physics

York University

Sept, 2010 — May, 2012

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Amazon Web Services

Dec, 2018
